基础常用句型: Could I possibly ask you to…


Could I possibly ask you to carry the luggage for me? 能麻烦你帮我提一下行李吗?
Could I possibly ask you to take a picture for me? 能麻烦你帮我照张相吗?
Could I possibly ask you to water the flowers for me? 能麻烦你帮我浇一下花吗?

Could I possibly ask you to mail the letter? 能麻烦你帮我把这封信寄出去吗?
Could I possibly ask you to meet my brother at the railway station? 能麻烦你到火车站接我哥哥吗?
Could I possibly ask you to give me a ride? 能麻烦你送我一程吗?

功能:这个句式比“Can I…”听起来要更礼貌一些。

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